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Very Nice game !

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When my dad is late for work :

Nice little puzzle platformer, good job :)

Thank you!! :)

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Fun puzzle platformer, had a good time. Sadly only 7 levels though, but Im guessing that's due to jam time limits. Overall its a great game.

Yeah I started to run out of time to make levels, unfortunately haha. Thank you though! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Very cool game, the only complaints (more like nitpicks) I have is that the controls feel a bit too 'fast'(?) and that the font (yes I know, silly)

Great game overall though :)

I getcha, thank you for the feedback!! :)

Great game! Interesting ways to use the mushrooms and vines to stop the player from carrying the seed. I would suggest making the player kick up a seed if it is below him though :) Just a personal preference though.

Also, I found a bug where you can carry seeds through vines, making some levels really easy to complete. If you are holding a seed, and then walk toward a wall: and right before hitting it, you jump, which allows the seed to be on the other side.

 Other than that, it was a super fun game with great art and sound! Good Job mate!

Hey! Thank you so much!

Also thank you for the suggestions! I know that you can clip the seeds through the vines, I simply ran out of time to work on that anymore before the jam ended. Now that it is over though I will try to get an update out that fixes and improves some things. :)

Hey bro! Just thought I'd point out that you're missing unityplayer.dll and another issue I can't exactly point out at the moment. Hope to play it soon!

Hey, thanks for commenting! I don't know what you mean though, I checked the zip and it has everything included. Maybe try downloading it again? 

1. If the program is .exe, it means is only for Windows.

2. A Unity game doesn't work without data & MonoBleedingEdge folders, but anyone who downloads your game happens this:

FATAL ERROR: The program doesn't start because lacks UnityPlayer.dll in the system.

Oh gosh I realize what I did wrong!! I'm not home but once I get back I have to change that right away!